特斯拉勁敵來了?! 蘋果解決內部紛爭,Apple Car最快2021年9月發表
However, as luck would have it, the project was marred by internal strife, leadership issues and a host of other challenges that put it on the backburner, leading to lay-offs of hundreds of employees.
📕 精彩字卡
• as luck would have it (根據使用情況)幸好;不幸地
• mar (v.) /mɑːr/ 破壞
• internal strife 內部衝突; 內鬨
• put sth. on the backburner 擱置
🎓 深度講解
strife有衝突、糾紛的意思,能用在人或團體之間的爭鬥或分歧,strife的英文解釋是violent or angry disagreement(暴力或憤怒的分歧或意見不合),例如:civil strife內戰、marital strife婚姻糾紛,加上internal後,句中的internal strife則是指內部紛爭、內鬨,有一句英國的俚語:trouble and strife(麻煩和糾紛),在英國居然意思是指妻子,這邊指出內部夫妻關係中存在衝突,想必創出這個俚語的夫妻感情應該失合,常常在家裡有紛爭,這樣酷粉們有沒有更好記下 strife的單字了呢?
補充相似意思: infighting團體內部的鬥爭,例如:political infighting政治暗鬥,差別是infighting本身就包含內部的意思,因此不需要另外加上internal,就能表達『內鬨』、『內鬥』。
👇 看『strife』的例子
• Why are there so many internal strife issues in that company?
• We shouldn't intervene in their marital strife.
🥚 Blog看彩蛋》看『 infighting內鬨』的例句 :
• Infighting is time consuming and helps no one.
• The leader is calling for an end to political infighting.
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