2021年6月1日 星期二

約翰希南為 "台灣是國家" 道歉後,被網友『強烈抨擊』

推特網友發起「台灣是國家 」運動,美國政要名人響應...


John Cena has apologized to fans in China after he called Taiwan a country. It was unclear if his apology worked, as people lashed out at him on social media as a coward.


📕 精彩字卡:

• apologize (v.) /əˈpɑː.lə.dʒaɪz/ 道歉

• lash out 抨擊;斥責

• coward (n.) /ˈkaʊ.ɚd/ 懦夫

🎓 深度講解:

lash當名詞,有時能當睫毛(eyelash)或用做鞭子,當動詞時,則有鞭打、痛打的意思,在本句中lash out則是如鞭刑一般,用狠毒的言論或文字,去攻擊他人,有強烈抨擊 、譴責或斥責的意思。補充:lash down能當做(用繩子)綁緊、捆住,等同於tie down,也有(雨、冰雹等)猛烈地落下,作為傾盆而下的意思。

👇 看『強烈抨擊』的例子 :

• She needs to know that lashing out at you is not acceptable.


• Why does my mom lash out at me all the time?


🥚 Blog看彩蛋》看例句 :

• All the goods should be lashed down to the ship's deck.


• The rain is lashing down on the roof.


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