Rebecca took to Twitter to share a story about her dad. Her father got laid off during the pandemic. Thankfully, the CEO of Costco was made aware of her tweet and hired his father. We got a heartwarming story about it that was quite the ride.
麗貝卡在 Twitter 上分享了一個關於她父親的故事,她的父親在疫情間而被解僱,慶幸的是,Costco 的CEO得知了她的推文並聘用了她的父親,也因此讓我們得知了這深刻難忘的暖心故事。
📕 精彩字卡:
• lay off /ˈleɪ.ɑːf/ 解僱
• heartwarming (a.) /ˈhɑːrtˌwɔːr.mɪŋ/ 感人的
• quite the ride 深刻難忘的(經歷)
🎓 深度講解:
ride(v.)能當騎、搭乘,當名詞則有旅行兜風、搭便車或遊樂園的設施,例如:My favorite ride is the Ferris wheel. 我最喜歡的遊樂設施是摩天輪。句中的quite the ride可以用來表達令人『深刻難忘』的故事、充滿『故事性』的經歷。與相似詞:memorable(a.)難忘的、有紀念價值的意思類似,差別在於quite the ride的含義會根據情況有所不同,可以表達有趣的,但也可能暗示是很可怕、不可預測的經歷等,例如:從雲霄飛車上下來的人說That was quite a ride,他可能是不喜歡也可能是喜歡搭乘雲霄飛車。
👇 看『quite the ride』的例子 :
• You'll make it through. And you'll have quite the ride on the way.
• 2020 was quite the ride.
🥚 Blog看彩蛋》看『memorable難忘的』的例句 :
• What was the most memorable vacation of your life?
• The trip to Taiwan was one of the most memorable trips for me.
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