Kobe Bryant's daughter is the most adorable shoe model. She beamed for the camera while wearing the adult-sized shoes that Kobe wore at the 2011 All-Star Game.科比·布萊恩的小女兒是最可愛的鞋模特,她穿著科比在2011年全明星賽上穿的鞋子,對著鏡頭,展現燦爛的笑容。
📕 精彩字卡:
• adorable (a.) /əˈdɔːr.ə.bəl/ 可愛的• beam (v.) /biːm/ 燦爛的笑• adult-sized(a.) 成人的尺寸
🎧 深度講解:
beam 有照耀的意思,酷粉們想想天線寶寶裡的「小太陽」,升起照耀時,笑的模樣,因此beam可以形容如陽光般燦爛的笑容,引申為『笑容可掬』。👇『笑容可掬 』的英語這樣說: beam/ have a radiant smile/ smile brightly/ smile wide...
• Vanessa used her personal Instagram account to share the cutest photo of her young daughter beaming at the camera.凡妮莎用個人IG帳戶分享了,小女兒對著鏡頭微笑的可愛照片。• Taking care of the teeth is absolutely important in having a radiant smile.想擁有燦爛的笑容,照顧好牙齒尤其重要。• The mother smiled brightly as she gently cradled her baby with both hands.母親用雙手輕輕地抱著嬰兒,並展現燦爛的笑容。•Capri smiled wide for the camera while sitting in front of a fuzzy chair.卡普里坐在絨毛椅前,對著鏡頭微笑。
👇『樂不可支 』的英語這樣說 be unable to wipe the smile off/ grin from ear to ear
• The man has been unable to wipe the smile off his face since discovering he scored a half-a-million-dollar division one prize in a draw.自從他知道在抽獎中,獲得了五十萬美元的一等獎,他樂不可支。•He's grinning from ear to ear after he won the lottery.贏得彩票後,他樂不可支。
❓ 酷粉們,形容『笑容可掬』的英文:
She____________ for the camera.😊 酷粉們,有想到其他『笑容可掬』的英語用法嗎?歡迎留言討論,金卡編期待和你們一起學習!有想學習的內容,也歡迎留言喔!