2021年3月3日 星期三


照著自己的走法,用最適合自己的佈局 #金球獎 #后翼棄兵


Golden Globes viewers may have missed out on celebrities rubbing elbows at this year's semi-virtual awards show, but it inadvertently gave fans a rare glimpse into Anya Taylor-Joy’s home. 


📕 精彩字卡:

• rub elbows ( with sb) 交際應酬/社交聊天

• semi-virtual (a.) 半線上的/半虛擬的

• inadvertently (adv.) /ˌɪn.ədˈvɝː.t̬ənt.li/ 無意地

🎧 深度講解:

會使用semi-virtual show(半虛擬典禮)的原因是,受到疫情影響,本次金球獎採用現場和線上進行頒獎,得獎者則透過視訊致詞,這次粉絲們看不到喜歡的名人們互動的樣子,但可以學哈拉的英語『rub elbows 』意思是 to interact with a person or group,因此我們可以說『交際應酬』

👇『交際應酬 』的英語這樣說 : rub elbows with/ rub shoulders with/ mingle with/ socialize with someone

• She claims that she rubs shoulders with the upper classes all the time.


• To mingle with strangers at parties, start easy by talking to a small group.


• Why don't you go and socialize with some of the other people at the party?


🥚 彩蛋『獨處』的英語這樣說? 

The strongest person is the person who isn't scared to be alone.


• You call it being alone. I call it enjoying my own company.


😂 搞笑有才的網友幫『背景評分 』:


❓ 酷粉們,形容『交際應酬 』的英文:

There are a lot of celebrities________________  at this year's awards show.

=rubbing elbows

😊  酷粉們,有想到其他『交際應酬』的英語用法嗎?歡迎留言討論,金卡編期待和你們一起學習!有想學習的內容,也歡迎留言喔!
