2021年3月8日 星期一





Anne Hathaway offered up the shocking fun fact when Rosé asked what role she had to fight tooth and nail for. She said, “ I was the ninth choice for Devil Wears Prada. But I got it! Hang in there, never give up”.

當羅斯問安海瑟薇,她需要竭盡全力去爭取什麼角色時,安海瑟薇自爆:「我是『穿著 Prada 的惡魔』第九人選」。 但是我最後成功了! 堅持下去,永不放棄。

📕 精彩字卡:

• shocking (a.) /ˈʃɑː.kɪŋ/ 驚訝的

fight tooth and nail 竭盡全力

• hang in there 撐著點/ 堅持下去

🎓 深度講解:

小時候和弟弟打架時,會使出牙齒和指甲戰鬥,可以說金卡編『竭盡全力』要使弟弟臣服,fight tooth and nail(牙爪戰鬥)英文解釋是to try very hard to get something you want,也就是我們說的『竭盡全力』去得到想要的事物

👇『竭盡全力 』的英語這樣說 :  fight tooth and nail / strain every nerve

•She's fighting tooth and nail to get the work finished on time.


• After straining every nerve, I finally got the pay rise that I deserved.


🥚 看彩蛋『不惜代價』的英語這樣說?  at all costs / no matter what happens

• We are determined to defend our motherland at all costs.


• No matter what happens, she has decided to drop out of college.


❓ 酷粉們,『竭盡全力』的英文:

She's ____________to finish the project on time.
fighting tooth and nail


🎧 例句發音 :