💡 「智慧結晶」的英文怎麼說?
As the brainchild of professor Stefan Klein, AirCar has been developed by Klein Vision since 2017 and represents a brand new, patented technology.
作為斯特凡克雷恩教授的智慧結晶,AirCar 自 2017 年起由克雷恩願景公司開發, AirCar 也代表一項全新的專利技術。
📕 精彩字卡
- brainchild /ˈbreɪn.tʃaɪld/ (n.) 智慧結晶
- develop /dɪˈvel.əp/ (v.) 開發
- brand new /ˌbrænd ˈnuː/ (adj.) 全新的
- patented /ˈpætəntɪd/ (adj.) 專利的
🎓 深度講解
brain 是個有趣的單字,我們常說的靈感、妙計,英文即是 brainwave (如腦中的浪),也有靈機一動的意思,句中的 brainchild (腦的小孩),形容藉由腦力激發,而產生智慧的產物、獨創計劃或發明,有「智慧結晶、心血結晶」的意思。
補充:另一種有點類似的講法是 gems of wisdom,gem 除了有寶石的意思,也能當做難能可貴的人或物,差別是此句特別指的是父母給孩子珍貴的勸告或教誨,有「金玉良言」的意思。
👇 看「brainchild」的例句
- The project was the brainchild of one of my employees.
- The statue is the brainchild of a famous artist.
🥚 Blog看彩蛋》看「gems of wisdom」的例句
- My mom shared gems of wisdom for a happy life with me.
- If you could share just one gem of wisdom that has helped you during your lifetime, what would that be?