2021年11月8日 星期一



💡 「抹黑」的英文怎麼說?

Larisa complained that there were not enough mats for girls to practice in a rhythmic gymnastics competition. Despite some mudslinging, she has always done her best to help many young gymnasts fulfill their dreams.


📕 精彩字卡

  • mat /mæt/ (n.) 軟墊、踏墊
  • rhythmic gymnastics /ˈrɪðmɪk//dʒɪmˈnæstɪks/ (n.) 韻律體操
  • competition /ˌkɑmpəˈtɪʃən/ (n.) 比賽、競賽
  • mudslinging /ˈmʌdˌslɪŋɪŋ/ (n.) 抹黑、誹謗
  • gymnast /ˈdʒɪmˌnæst/ (n.) 體操運動員、體操選手
  • fulfill /fʊlˈfɪl/ (v.) 完成(任務);實現(夢想)

🎓 深度講解

名詞 mudslinging /ˈmʌdˌslɪŋɪŋ/ 實為俚語 sling mud (at sb) 演變而來,其中 sling (v.) 是「使盡全力拋、擲」的意思;隨手抓起一把泥巴往他人身上扔,就好比隨便用流言蜚語重傷他人的名譽形象,通常指政治人物之間的言語攻訐、互噴口水。

把這個慣用語的順序調換,變成「名詞 + 動詞(現在分詞)」的組合,就形成了行為名詞 mudslinging 或 mud-slinging,即中文裡的「抹黑、誹謗、烏賊戰」。

👇 看「mudslinging」的例句

  • I am fed up with the mudslinging and decided to take some actions!
  • There was so much political mudslinging in this election that many people were unwilling to vote.

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