💡 「左右為難」英文怎麼說?
Ha Xiaoyuan gloomily revealed his wife's claims on TV about his sister wanting to take their child, and his sister being threatened by gangsters by Ha's mother-in-law. The situation is difficult, and Ha feels caught in the middle.
📕 精彩字卡
- gloomily /ˋgluməlɪ/ (ph.) 愁容滿面地
- threaten /ˋθrɛtn/ (vi.) 威脅
- gangster /ˋgæŋstɚ/ (n.) 黑道
- mother-in-law (ph.) 岳母
- caught in the middle /kɔt/ (ph.) 左右為難
🎓 深度講解
姑嫂戰爭真的比婆媳之戰更恐怖嗎?一邊是老婆大人、一邊是家人,選邊站的問題總讓男人「左右為難」。當我們說某人「caught in the middle」,這邊的 caught 是 catch 的被動式、指「被抓住」;而 middle 指當事人在兩方的「中間」當夾心餅乾、處於左右為難的境地。在日常生活中,我們往往得面臨到人際關係的難題,或許會感到裡外不是人,舉凡我們面臨親友間或職場上同事間的衝突,要如何成功調停的確很需要智慧。
另一個選擇障礙必學的用法是 be torn between A and B ,動詞 torn 是 tear 「撕開」的被動用法,有在兩者間左右拉扯的含意,也就是「左右為難;難以取捨」的意思。
👇 看「caught in the middle、be torn between」的例句
- I am caught in the middle of a disagreement between my two best friends.
- I was torn between getting a hamburger and trying the new beef rice dish.