💡 「撂狠話」的英文怎麼說?
Li Kuncheng, with cancer and hospitalization, passed away on the 9th. His controversial wife, Lin Jingen, 40 years younger, has faced criticism for inheriting the estate at a young age. She talked tough to netizens.
📕 精彩字卡
- cancer /ˋkænsɚ/ (n.) 癌症
- hospitalization /͵hɑspɪt!ɪˋzeʃən/ (n.) 住院治療
- controversial /kɑntrəˋvɝʃəl/ (adj.) 不被看好;有爭議的
- inherit /ɪnˋhɛrɪt/ (vt.) 繼承
- estate /ɪsˋtet/ (n.) 財產
- talk tough /tʌf/ (ph.) 撂狠話
🎓 深度講解
形容詞 tough 表某人性格「堅強、頑強」,像是演員傑森史塔森在動作片中 tough guy「硬漢」形象就深植人心。而 tough 當副詞時可以搭配不同的動詞,例如 act tough 指「來硬的」、talk tough 則指「撂狠話」。舉凡生活當中我們所看到的政治談判、行車糾紛、情侶吵架等,當有人用強硬的言語撂狠話,來表達自己的立場,我們就可以用 talk tough 表達。
另一個表達堅定立場的片語是 assert sb's stance,動詞 assert 在這裡表示堅持、主張自己的立場不退縮。 stance 跟 stand(站立)長得很像,意指站在個人的角度看事情, 因此 assert sb's stance 也就是堅定回應他人意見的意思。
👇 看「talk tough、assert sb's stance」的例句
- I can talk tough and scare that guy, but I can’t really act tough.
- I assert my stance on the issue and make my opinions known during the meeting.