2021年4月1日 星期四




Google announced a new Google Play category of apps designed for pets. Google also released a video to introduce “Google Play for Pets”. However, it actually was an elaborate April Fools’ Day prank created by Google.

Google宣佈了一個新的Google Play類別,裡面有專門為寵物設計的應用程式,Google還發佈了一段介紹「Google Play for Pets」的影片,但實際上,這是Google精心製作的愚人節惡作劇。

📕 精彩字卡:

• category (n.) /ˈkæt̬.ə.ɡri/ 類別

• elaborate (a.) /iˈlæb.ɚ.ət/ 精心製作的

• prank (n.) /præŋk/ 惡作劇

🎓 深度講解:

elaborate (a.) 原意指: 包含了許多精心的細節與細緻的組成部份,也就是口語上的『精心設計』,例如make elaborate preparations精心的準備。另外一個意思是我們常說的『辯解』,such an elaborate excuse 可以用來說某人找了一堆理由。

👇 看『elaborate』的例子 : 

• They're making the most elaborate preparations for the birthday party.


• These elaborate excuses for tardiness sound too crazy to be true.


👇 看Goolge為寵物設計app的『網友留言』: 

• I just put a phone in my goldfish tank before I left for work. I can't wait to get back and see how long he has been playing.


• Finally I don't have to worry about my fish drowning himself because he was bored.


🎧  英語例句發音: