2021年4月28日 星期三


網民: 蘋果AirTag產品是否能當「抓猴」神器?


If you want to use AirTag to catch your cheating partner, you might get disappointed. According to Apple, the AirTag is designed with a bunch of proactive features to prevent unwanted tracking.


📕 精彩字卡:

• catch your cheating partner 抓猴 (逮住不忠的另一半)

• design (v.) /dɪˈzaɪn/ 設計

• proactive (a.) /ˌproʊˈæk.tɪv/ 主動的

🎓 深度講解:

首先catch(v.)有逮個正著、抓住的意思,另外cheat(v.)意思是行騙、作弊,也可以形容對另一伴不忠,例如:cheat on sb,因此cheating (a.) 這個詞用在這裡,不僅有欺騙,也有對伴侶不誠實、不忠的意思,當我們說抓猴,可以用catch a cheating partner/spouse(逮住不忠的另一半/ 配偶),另外補充幾個延伸單字:cheater 可以形容作弊者、偷吃的人, a cheating spouse investigator/ a private investigator 徵信社專員/ 私人偵探,track the cheating spouse 跟蹤偷吃者,collect/gather the evidence 收集證據 。

👇 看『不忠的』的例子:

• If you suspect your spouse of cheating on you, you should not confront them until you have gathered as much evidence as possible.


• Cheating partners normally have increased unusual expenses that you can get to know by checking their receipts.


🥚 Blog看彩蛋》出軌跡象的相關英文單字 : 

 • Answering a random phone call late at night 深夜接聽奇怪的電話

 • Hiding the screen when receiving a notification 收到通知就隱藏銀幕

 • Clearing the browser history 刪除瀏覽記錄

 • Arriving home late 晚歸

 • Making sudden improvements to their physical appearance 突然開始在意外表

 • Increasing unusual expenses 增加不尋常的支出

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