2023年5月15日 星期一


💡 「打臉」的英文怎麼說?

Netizens spread rumors of Ariel Lin's 8-year marriage was on the rocks. In response, Lin's manager issued a statement saying "They're doing just fine!", which was a slap in the face to the netizens.


📕 精彩字卡

  • rumor /ˋrumɚ/ (n.) 謠言
  • on the rocks (ph.) 觸礁
  • response /rɪˋspɑns/ (n.) 回答
  • issue /ˋɪʃjʊ/ (vt.) 發布
  • statement /ˋstetmənt/ (n.[C]) 聲明
  • a slap in the face /slæp/ (ph.) 一記耳光;打臉

🎓 深度講解

打臉的英文可不是 hit face!我們可以用 a slap /slæp/ in the face 表達「打臉」,指推翻他人錯認的事實或謊言,而使之丟臉、出糗。名詞 slap 指巴掌聲、拍打聲,是不是非常的易記、好聯想呢?在日常生活中,舉凡戳破網友的假新聞、辯論時提出正確的資訊推翻對手觀點、政治人物的言詞前後不一等,我們都可以用打臉一詞(a slap in the face)來描述當下的狀況。

另一個表達打臉的說法:prove someone wrong ,動詞 prove /pruv/「證明」+ someone「某人」+ 形容詞 wrong「錯了」➔ 證明某人說錯了 ➔ 打臉某人。

👇 看「a slap in the face、prove someone wrong」的例句

  • When my boss took credit for my hard work, it felt like a real slap in the face.
  • I knew my colleague was wrong about the deadline, so I had to prove him wrong.

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