2022年11月23日 星期三



💡 「面對現實」的英文怎麼說?

Best known for his role as Thor, Chris Hemsworth plans to take a break from acting owing to his heightened Alzheimer’s risk. He comes to terms with the fact that his grandfather is battling with this disease.


📕 精彩字卡

  • acting /ˈæktɪŋ/ (n.) 演戲、演出
  • owing to /ˈoɪŋ ˌtu/ (prep.) 因為、由於
  • heightened /ˈhaɪtənd/ (adj.) 增高的、加劇的
  • risk /rɪsk/ (n.) 風險、危險
  • come to terms with something (phr.) 面對現實
  • battle /ˈbæt!/ (vi.) 戰鬥、搏鬥

🎓 深度講解

片語 come to terms with sth 是個擬人化的說法,有「面對現實」的意思。這裡的 terms /tɝrmz/ 可理解為契約中的「條件、條款」,come to 則是「達成、完成」,同動詞 reach。當你跟某件事情或某些狀況「達成協議」,就表示你做出妥協,讓自己和這些不舒服、不愉快的事和平共存。換言之,就是逼自己慢慢接受殘酷的現實,尤其是像重大疾病、傷亡這種令人痛苦的事。

如果是和某個人 come to terms,則相當於 reach an agreement,即透過對話、協商的方式來平息雙方的爭端,共同找出解決的方法,也就是上一段提過的「達成協議」。

👇 看「come to terms with sth、come to terms with sb」的例句

  • I need some time to come to terms with my cat’s death.
  • Andy was forced to come to terms with his wife and signed the divorce papers.

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▶️ 「雷神索爾」因遺傳性阿茲海默基因而決定暫息影