2021年12月9日 星期四



💡 「講壞話」的英文怎麼說?

Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger claimed that it’s risky for the US to rely on Asian chipmakers because Taiwan is not a stable place. TSMC chairman dismissed his remarks and said that the company never speaks ill of its peers.


📕 精彩字卡

  • chipmaker /ˈtʃɪpˌmekɚ/ (n.) 晶片製造商
  • chairman /ˈtʃɛrmən/ (n.) 董事長;主席
  • dismiss /dɪsˈmɪs/ (v.)【法律】反駁、駁斥
  • remark /rɪˈmɑrk/ (n.) 言辭、評論
  • speak ill of (phr.) 講壞話、嚼耳根
  • peer /pir/ (n.) 同儕;同業

🎓 深度講解

片語 speak ill of 可以拆成 speak of 以及 ill 兩個部分:片語動詞 speak of 是「說到、提及」,ill /ɪl/ 在這裡是副詞「壞地、惡劣地」,合起來 speak ill of 就是「說壞話、嚼耳根」的意思,介系詞 of 後面一定是人。我們通常不會明目張膽地說別人不好,而是私底下小聲地議論,因此這個片語後面可以加上 behind one’s back,強調「偷偷地、背地裡」的語感。

👇 看「speak ill of」的例句

  • You shouldn’t speak ill of the dead.
  • The candidates kept speaking ill of each other during the campaign.

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