2021年4月6日 星期二




My last trip to Taiwan in 2011 was a three-week round island trip. The train provided much to really 'feel' Taiwan. The trains were immaculately clean and the service crew were so polite. Hope the deceased RIP and the injured have a speedy recovery. The bereaved find solace in the fond memories of those departed.



• immaculately (a.) /ɪˈmæk.jə.lət.li/ 乾淨整潔的

Have a speedy recovery 早日康復

• bereaved(n.)  /bɪˈriːvd/ 失去親友的人 

• solace(n.) /ˈsɑː.lɪs/安慰/慰藉

 🎓 深度講解:

speedy有快速的意思,因此Have a speedy recovery 可以用來祝早日康復,另外我們口語上可以說Get well soon 希望能你能快點好起來,或是Hope you feel better soon希望你情況有好轉。

👇 國外網友『慰問』的留言:

• My sincerest condolences go to the families who have lost loved ones. May God bless your families and comfort you in these difficult circumstances.


• My condolences go to the family who lost their loved ones in this tragic accident. God bless Taiwan. We must stay strong.


🎧 英語例句發音: