2021年2月26日 星期五


那個不能隨便提起的名字 !你沒看錯,顏值超高的佛地魔!

#佛地魔  #在你額頭上,刻上愛你的印記 #佛地魔的起源


Fauvel has a masculine angular face, emotional eyes and a high nose like a god. The lips are also a special beauty of this French model.


📕 精彩字卡:

• masculine (a.)/ˈmæs.kjə.lɪn/ 男子氣概的

• angular(a.) /ˈæŋ.ɡjə.lɚ/ 棱角分明

• a high nose 高挺的鼻子

🎧 深度講解:

masculine有男子氣概的,我們可以說masculine appearance 來形容具有陽剛的外表,另外酷粉們當然可以用beauty來形容男生!這邊金卡編教你如何用得更美式!

  • Through this movie, the audience was astonished at the beauty of the Voldemort character played by Maxence Danet-Fauvel.


  • This version of Voldemort makes ladies’ hearts totally flutter because of his extreme beauty.


👇『表非凡 』的英語還可以這樣說 : drop-dead gorgeous 帥呆了/美爆了/gorgeous 極其漂亮的/turn heads引人注目

  • The drop-dead gorgeous French beau plays the young version of You-Know-Who.

儀表非凡的法國全民男友扮演年輕版的「那個不能隨便提起名字 」。

  • At the age of 27, the dark-haired actor with a trendy look turned heads when he walked into a party.


❓ 酷粉們,形容孔劉『儀表非凡』的英文:

    Gong Yoo  has a ________angular face.


😊  酷粉們,有想到其他『儀表非凡』的英語用法嗎?歡迎留言討論,金卡編期待和你們一起學習!有想學習的內容,也歡迎留言喔!




#2021電影 # I Care A Lot # 我只在乎你的錢 #控制


 Marla Graysonis is an icily devious  woman who has turned her business as a “legal guardian” into a successful scheme to bilk seniors out of their life savings. 


📕 精彩字卡:

• icily (adv.)  /ˈaɪ.səl.i/ 冷酷地

• devious (a.) /ˈdiː.vi.əs/ 愛算計的

• bilk (v.) /bɪlk/ 詐騙

🎧 深度講解:

devious有耍心機的意思 ,相似單字vicious惡毒的,我們在門口看到Beware of a vicious dog就是小心惡犬/內有惡犬,另外devious 有歪的意思,因此take a devious route 除了有繞路,還可以當『誤入歧途』。

  • The vicious and devious legal conservator runs a lucrative scam on elderly clients.


👇『耍心機 』的英語還可以這樣說   calculating/manipulative/  conniving

calculator 計算機-calculating愛算計的

  • When it comes to villainy, Angelina Jolie is practically perfect in every way, calculating and cold. 



  • The chilly and manipulative  Marla is always one step ahead of Roman because she thinks just like him.


con 詐騙-connive陰謀-conniving 搞陰謀/算計

  • The conniving sociopath drained senior citizens assets into her own account.


 ❓ 酷粉們,『處心積慮』的英文

The _______con artist runs a lucrative scam .


😊  酷粉們,有想到其他『時光/時間』的英語用法嗎?歡迎留言討論,卡編期待和你們一起學習!有想學習的內容,也歡迎留言喔!




#GD #Jennie #像極了愛情#粉絲힘내세요#失戀可以但沒錢不行


In the K-pop industry, the revelation of romantic relationships can often have a negative impact, especially for female stars. However, many Blackpink fans rallied to send their love to Jennie, flooding her social media accounts with shows of support. 


📕 精彩字卡:

romantic relationship (n.)戀愛關係/交往

negative(a.) /ˈneɡ.ə.t̬ɪv/ 負面的

media account (n.)社群媒體帳號  

• flood (v.) /flʌd/蜂擁而至 

🎧 深度講解:

rally 有聚集在一起(以提供支持的意思),酷粉們可以說rally citizens召集居民,另外 flood 可以當水災之外,酷粉們可以說flood the market充斥市場,因此我們可以用rally 和flood在句子當中,以表達『蜂擁而至』。

👇『蜂擁而至 』的英語還可以這樣說 : overflow/ flock to 

  • The Insta-Worthy cafe was so full that people were overflowing into the street.


  • Thousands of people flocked to Costco stores when Black Friday sale started.


👍  想學新冠疫情中『群聚』的英語?

  • mass gathering (a.) 群聚的

  • In order to prevent a catastrophe, please don’t go to a mass gathering event like the Super Bowl, the Olympics, or in a public place like the airport. 


❓ 酷粉們,『蜂擁而至』的英文:

People _____________  CoolCard English ‘s comments section with support. 

=flooded /are flooding

😊  酷粉們,有想到其他『蜂擁而至』的英語用法嗎?歡迎留言討論,卡編期待和你們一起學習!有想學習的內容,也歡迎留言喔!


2021年2月25日 星期四

怪奇比莉: 『全心投入』紀錄片英語怎麼說?

全新紀錄片《怪奇比莉 Billie Eilish:我眼中的迷濛世界》

#Billie 的18歲- 葛萊美獎#我的18歲- 安慰獎#沒有比較沒有傷害


The Grammy Award-winning singer, Billie Eilish set to give fans a behind-the-scenes look into her rise to fame in new Apple TV+ documentary "The World's A Little Blurry".

格萊美獎獲獎歌手怪奇比莉全心投入,Apple TV 全新紀錄片《怪奇比莉 Billie Eilish:我眼中的迷濛世界》,在當中為歌迷,講述他成名幕後的故事。

📕 精彩字卡:

• behind-the-scenes(a.)  幕後的

• rise to fame (n.) 成名

• documentary (n.) /ˌdɑː.kjəˈmen.t̬ɚ.i/ 紀錄片

🎧 深度講解:

 酷粉們可以說set a goal,代表設定計畫,因此set to 有充滿活力和決心『開始』的意思,我們可以引申成『全心投入』。

👇『全心投入 』的英語還可以這樣說  get down to / embark upon /dive in

•  It's time to stop delaying and get down to work.  


• Donald Trump embarked upon a massive publicity campaign in order to win the popular vote.


• Let’s evaluate the project one more time before we dive in.


❓ 酷粉們,『全心投入』的英文:

Let’s____________work and stop complaining.

=set to 

😊  酷粉們,18歲畢業的時候,你們領到什麼獎?或有想到其他『全心投入』的英語用法嗎?



2021年2月24日 星期三



英式幽默:自嘲魔法世界沒有『時間暫停之術 』“British humour”


Tom Felton - who played Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter film series - has demonstrated that child actors definitely can not defy the hands of time. In a hilarious post shared on Instagram, Tom posed alongside a promo shot from the movie while donning Syltherin robes and lamented getting older.


📕 精彩字卡:

demonstrate (v.) /ˈdem.ən.streɪt/ 展示

hilarious (a.) /hɪˈleə.ri.əs/ 搞笑

lament (v.) /ləˈment/ 惋惜

🎧 深度講解:

defy 對抗,酷粉可以說對抗權威defy authority,因此 can't defy the hands of time則有無法與時間對抗,引申為歲月不饒人的意思

『時光飛逝 』的英語還可以這樣說 👇

  • Time flies.

Time flies and it never stops.


  •  Time moves on. 

Time moves on. No one can go back in time. 


  • Time passes unhindered 

Time passes unhindered. When we make mistakes, we can not turn the clock back and try again. 



另外希望『時光倒流』的英語還可以這樣說 👇

  • turn back the clock 

I wish I could turn back the clock. I’d find you sooner and fall in love with you again. 



  • go back in time

You can’t go back in time and start over again, but you can still aim for a new ending starting from now.   



👉  酷粉們,『歲月不饒人』的英文

= No one can defy the hands of time.

😊  酷粉們,有想到其他『時光/時間』的英語用法嗎?歡迎留言討論,卡編期待和你們一起學習!有想學習的內容,也歡迎留言喔!

2021年2月23日 星期二





A notoriously fashionable villain named Estella determined to make a name for herself with her designs.

📕 精彩字卡:

• notorious (a.) /nəʊˈtɔː.ri.əs/ 惡名昭彰的
• villain ( n.) /ˈvɪl.ən/ 反派角色
• make a name for oneself 成名

🎧 深度講解:

make a name直翻,可以想成讓你的名字被大家知道,引申為成名,
  • make a name for oneself 
I want to make a name for myself on Instagram as a powerful influencer.


另外『闖出好名聲』的英語還可以這樣說 👇
  • make one’s reputation
Emma Stone made her reputation as an actress playing villain. 
Emma Stone以扮演反派的女演員闖出好名聲


相反地『聲名狼藉』的英語,這樣說 👇
  • be notorious for
Estella is notorious for being obsessed with wearing a coat made of puppy skin.


👉  酷粉們,再複習一次『一舉成名』的英文

= make a name for oneself

😊  酷粉們,有想到其他『闖出名號』的英語用法嗎?歡迎留言討論,卡編期待和你們一起學習!有想學習的內容,也歡迎留言喔!

2021年2月22日 星期一




💡 『毫不猶豫』的英語怎麼說?

Song Joong Ki recalled how he became a part of the movie “ Space Sweepers”. He revealed that he had heard about the project when he was filming with the director Cho Sung Hee's previous release A Werewolf Boy. He did not think twice when he was offered a role in the sci-fi film “Space Sweepers,”even accepting the project without reading the script first.


📕 精彩字卡

  • recall /rɪˈkɔːl/ (v.) 回想
  • previously /ˈpriː.vi.əs.li / (adv.) 以前
  • think twice /θɪŋk//twaɪs/ 三思而後行

🎓 深度講解

Think twice(想兩次),引申為三思而後行,可以用來告誡別人You might want to think twice before…,但今天仲基歐爸,劇本都還沒看過,就直接決定出演電影,因此酷粉們也可說do not think twice來表達迫不及待或毫不猶豫。另外酷粉們,毫不猶豫的英語還可以這樣說:

without a second thought: I truly believed in the director that I had decided to star in the work without a second thought. 因為相信導演,我毫不猶豫就決定出演這部電影。

without hesitation: I am going to love you when you are happy and I am going to still love you in your weakest moments without hesitation. 當你快樂時,我愛你。在你最脆弱的時刻,我也會毫不猶豫地愛你。

in a heartbeat: If I had the money, I would go back to college in a heartbeat. 如果我有錢的話,我會毫不猶豫重回大學。 👉  酷粉們,「不要猶豫了」,按讚CoolCard English的英文怎麼說?

Don't__________to click the like button on CoolCard English fan page.


😊  酷粉們,有想到其他『毫不猶豫』的英語用法嗎?歡迎留言討論,卡編期待和你們一起學習!有想學習的內容,也歡迎留言喔!



原文出處: https://news.abs-cbn.com/entertainment/02/05/21/why-song-joong-ki-joined-space-sweepers-even-before-reading-script

2021年2月19日 星期五


💡 我要和巨石強森一樣「壯」的英文怎麼說?

James Corden revealed that he has planned to be so ripped like The Rock. He said “If 2020 taught us anything it was that taking care of yourself has to be a priority. I want to change the way that I live. I want to be better for my children and for my family. I don't want to wake up tired, or feel embarrassed when I'm chasing my son on the soccer field and out of breath after three minutes.

James Corden透露,計畫能擁有宛如巨石強森的強壯體態,2020教會我們將照顧自己作為首要任務,因此我想改變我的生活方式,我希望為了我的家人和孩子,變得更好,當我在足球場上追逐兒子時,三分鐘後就感到氣喘吁籲時,我感到非常羞愧。

📕 精彩字卡

  • ripped /rɪpt/ (adj.) 明顯肌肉線條的
  • take care of yourself 照顧好自己
  • priority /praɪˈɒr.ə.ti/ (n.) 優先
  • embarrassed /ɪmˈber.əst/ (a.) 感到羞愧的

🎓 深度講解

rip (v.)有撕裂的意思,在日常我們可以說 rip the letter 撕開信封,那ripped(a.) 酷粉們可以想像進擊的巨人,不段的work out後,強壯肌肉幾乎撕開身體,而擁有線條分明的肌肉(ripped)的型態

The Giants from Attack on Titan has signed up to the fitness program and done the full body circuit training regularly in order to be ripped like The Rock. 來自「進擊的巨人」的巨人們,已參加了健身計劃並定期進行全身循環訓練,以便像巨石強森一樣壯。

Can anyone tell me how to shed 6 stone in weight and get ripped in one month? 誰能告訴我如何在一個月內,瘦6磅和擁有一身漂亮的肌肉呢?

👉 酷粉們,年後動起來吧!我要和巨石強森一樣有一身漂亮的肌肉英文怎麼說?I am going to be so ____ like The Rock.



💡 「澄清網路謠言」的英文怎麼說?

Jared Leto cleared up the rumors with Margot Robbie after he was accused of giving her a dead rat on the set of ""Suicide Squad"". He revealed that he had actually gifted Margot with cinnamon buns instead.


📕 精彩字卡

  • clear up /klɪər/ /ʌp/ 1. 澄清或解決(誤會或誤解);2. 整理(地方)或使(事物)有秩序;3. 使(天氣)晴朗
  • accuse of /əˈkjuːz/ /əv/ 指責或控訴某人(做壞事)
  • reveal /rɪˈviːl/ 揭露

🎓 深度講解

澄清網路謠言可以說 clear up,也可以用fend off (抵抗)代表闢除謠言的意思。

The royal family has been working to fend off rumors of a rift. 王室一直在努力闢除不合的謠言。

Stay away from the people who gossip behind your back and spread rumors. 遠離那些在你背後八卦和散佈謠言的人。

👉 酷粉們,所以澄清謠言的英文 = _____ rumors

2021年2月18日 星期四


💡 「虛擬紅包」的英文怎麼說?

The 2021 Lunar New Year is just around the corner and authorities are encouraging people to turn to virtual red envelopes, instead of physical bills and envelops, an alternative that’s more environmentally friendly and which is of high relevance at a time when COVID-19 continues to spread.


📕 精彩字卡

  • virtual red envelope 虛擬紅包
  • around the corner 即將來臨
  • The Year of the Ox 牛年

🎓 深度講解

除了Virtual envelope虛擬紅包上,這邊補充兩個流行的數位禮物,E-Cards 和 E-Voucher: • You can greet your loved ones with online animated e-cards. 你可以透過線上動畫的電子賀卡,向親人問候。

• By using e-vouchers from our online website, we make shopping with shopping benefits even easier and faster for you. 使用我們網站的數位禮券,你可以更輕鬆,更快速享受購物優惠。

• This e-voucher is valid until six months from the date of issuance, and can be redeemed at any stores in the USA. 自購買之日起,電子禮卷的有效期為6個月,且可以在美國的任一商店兌換。