2021年2月19日 星期五


💡 我要和巨石強森一樣「壯」的英文怎麼說?

James Corden revealed that he has planned to be so ripped like The Rock. He said “If 2020 taught us anything it was that taking care of yourself has to be a priority. I want to change the way that I live. I want to be better for my children and for my family. I don't want to wake up tired, or feel embarrassed when I'm chasing my son on the soccer field and out of breath after three minutes.

James Corden透露,計畫能擁有宛如巨石強森的強壯體態,2020教會我們將照顧自己作為首要任務,因此我想改變我的生活方式,我希望為了我的家人和孩子,變得更好,當我在足球場上追逐兒子時,三分鐘後就感到氣喘吁籲時,我感到非常羞愧。

📕 精彩字卡

  • ripped /rɪpt/ (adj.) 明顯肌肉線條的
  • take care of yourself 照顧好自己
  • priority /praɪˈɒr.ə.ti/ (n.) 優先
  • embarrassed /ɪmˈber.əst/ (a.) 感到羞愧的

🎓 深度講解

rip (v.)有撕裂的意思,在日常我們可以說 rip the letter 撕開信封,那ripped(a.) 酷粉們可以想像進擊的巨人,不段的work out後,強壯肌肉幾乎撕開身體,而擁有線條分明的肌肉(ripped)的型態

The Giants from Attack on Titan has signed up to the fitness program and done the full body circuit training regularly in order to be ripped like The Rock. 來自「進擊的巨人」的巨人們,已參加了健身計劃並定期進行全身循環訓練,以便像巨石強森一樣壯。

Can anyone tell me how to shed 6 stone in weight and get ripped in one month? 誰能告訴我如何在一個月內,瘦6磅和擁有一身漂亮的肌肉呢?

👉 酷粉們,年後動起來吧!我要和巨石強森一樣有一身漂亮的肌肉英文怎麼說?I am going to be so ____ like The Rock.
