2021年8月9日 星期一

台灣藝人幫中華隊加油 遭砲轟「踩紅線」


💡 「踩紅線」的英文怎麼說?

Some Taiwanese celebrities, Dee Hsu included, were accused of “stepping out of line” by nationalist Chinese because they celebrated for Taiwanese athletes on their fan pages. Although the posts were deleted afterwards, Hsu has been blacklisted and lost some endorsement deals in China as a result.

包括小 S 在內的一些台灣藝人遭到中國小粉紅指控「踩紅線」,因為她們在粉絲頁上為台灣選手喝采。儘管這些貼文事後被刪除,小 S 仍遭到拉黑,並因此損失一些在中國代言的機會。

📕 精彩字卡

  • celebrity / sɪˈlɛbrətɪ / (n.) 名人
  • blacklist / ˈblæk,lɪst / (v.) 列入黑名單
  • endorsement / ɪnˈdɔrsmənt / (n.)(廣告)代言、背書

🎓 深度講解

step out of line 是個相當直觀的慣用語。英文裡 line 這個字本身就隱含「界線、規範」等意思,所以當一個人踩過線,就是「越界、踰矩」了。綜合幾本權威字典的定義,step out of line 有「破壞規則、行為不正、做出不恰當或不被預期的事情」,簡單來說就是所謂的「踩紅線」,可廣泛應用在學校、職場、社會等情境。

與 step out of line 相似的表達除了大家熟悉的 break the rules 之外,還有以下幾個: • cross a/the line (phr.) 踰越分寸、做出不符合社會規範的事情或行為 • get out of line (phr.) 意思與 step out of line 無二致 • go too far (phr.) 言行太超過、讓人感到惱怒或無法理解 • overstep the mark (phr.) 說出或做出讓人無法接受的事,語氣較 step out of line 強烈

👇 看「step out of line」的例句

  • If you step out of line again, you will be punished!
  • The students were on probation because they kept stepping out of line.

🥚 Blog看彩蛋》看「cross the line、go too far、overstep the mark」的例句

  • Stop this nonsense! You went too far!
  • You have already crossed the line between joking and being offensive!
  • The reporter overstepped the mark when she tried to ask the pop singer about his personal life.

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