2021年8月24日 星期二



💡 引發「軒然大波」的英文怎麼說?

It was reported that 154 cats were smuggled in a fishing boat from China and the government decided to put them all down. While the news sparked an outcry, the officials insisted on the decision due to the worries about rabies infection. A harsher penalty and border control will be guaranteed.

報導指出有 154 隻貓被藏在漁船內從中國偷渡來台,政府決定將牠們全數撲殺。相關新聞雖然引發軒然大波,但官方基於狂犬病傳染的疑慮仍堅守底線,並保證將加重刑責與邊境管控。

📕 精彩字卡

  • smuggle /ˈsmʌɡ!/ (v.) 走私、偷渡
  • put down /pʊt//daʊn/ (phr. v.)(以藥物)撲殺動物
  • penalty /ˈpen!ˌtɪ/ (n.) 刑責、刑罰
  • guarantee /ˌɡærənˈti/ (v.) 保證、擔保

🎓 深度講解

我們先看名詞 outcry,它可以拆成 out- 與 cry 兩個部分來理解,原始的字義是「吶喊、喊叫」,之後則強調某人因為憤怒或反對,而「起身抗議大吼」;如表示抗議的對象,outcry 後面要接續介系詞 against 或 over。再來是 spark,動、名詞同型,名詞是「星火、小火花」,動詞有「如星火噴濺、引起火花」的意象。所以 spark an outcry 就是形容眾人的怒火、不滿或怨懟猶如星火燎原般遍地開花,即中文裡的「引發譁然、引發軒然大波」等意思。

其實 outcry 前面還可以與其他動詞連用,意思與今天的關鍵詞雷同,可一併記下來:

  • cause a (public) outcry → 引發(眾人)譁然 
  • prompt a (mass) outcry → 激起(眾人)怒火 
  • provoke a (massive) outcry → 挑起(大規模)抗議

👇 看「spark an outcry」的例子

  • Your bad manners at the meeting sparked an outcry.
  • Such a diplomatic approach will definitely spark an outcry in our allies.

🥚 Blog看彩蛋》看「cause an outcry、provoke an outcry」的例句

  • I didn’t expect that my remarks would cause a huge outcry.
  • The release of the two murderers has provoked a massive outcry around the country.

🎧 全文循環朗讀:

💬 大放厥詞

The news about the government putting down all the smuggled cats has sparked an outcry in Taiwan. What do you think? 台灣政府撲殺所有走私貓的新聞引發軒然大波,你怎麼看?

✓ appropriate (adj.) 適當的 ✓ cruel (adj.) 殘忍的 ✓ adopt (v.) 領養