💡 「水深火熱」的英文怎麼說?
Benedict Cumberbatch wants to take part in a British government scheme to house Ukrainian civilians who are in deep water. “We need to do more than wear a badge,” he said on the red carpet before the Baftas ceremony.
📕 精彩字卡
- take part in (phr. v.) 參加、加入
- scheme /skim/ (n.) 計畫、方案
- house /haʊs/ (v.) 收容、給……房子住
- civilian /səˈvɪljən/ (n.) 平民、百姓
- in deep water (idiom) 陷入困境、在水深火熱之中
- badge /bædʒ/ (n.) 徽章;獎章
🎓 深度講解
慣用語 in deep water 源自於《聖經》中的《詩篇》,顧名思義就是指一個人的雙腳或全身浸在水中,不僅寸步難行,甚至有慘遭滅頂的風險;用來比喻某人遭遇不幸或碰上麻煩,以致於「深陷水深火熱之中」。如果用在商業的語境,則指一間公司深陷財務困難,有倒閉破產的危機。
這個慣用語有兩種形式:一種是 be in deep water,形容深陷困難的狀態;另一種是 get into deep water,強調踏入險境的過程。
👇 看「be in deep water、get into deep water」的例子
- I’ll be in deep water if I fail my finals!
- As long as the bank cannot authorize our loan, we are getting into deep water.