2021年3月9日 星期二



💡 『火冒三丈』的英語怎麼說?

My mother-in-law and I had different opinions on how much a baby needs to be coddled. She would insist on rocking my son to sleep. However, I would say goodnight to him and then leave the nursery. My anger went through the roof when she said, “Oh, I could never do that to my child”.


📕 精彩字卡

  • coddle /ˈkɑː.dəl/ (v.)照顧呵護 / 溺愛
  • nursery /ˈnɝː.sɚ.i/ (n.)育嬰室
  • go through the roof 火冒三丈
  • Mother-In-Law Problem 婆媳問題

🎓 深度講解

go through the roof 的英文解釋是to get very angry,酷粉們想像生氣的時候變身超級賽亞人,火氣直接穿過屋頂,因此我們可以用,go through the roof 來形容『火冒三丈』。

另外「婆媳問題」的英文是 Mother-In-Law Problem,例如你可以說: How Do I Deal With My Mother-In-Law Problems? 要怎麼處理婆婆的問題呢?

👇 看『火冒三丈』的例子 : go through the roof

  • After my wife found out I had an affair with my colleague, she went through the roof.

🥚 Blog看彩蛋》看「make sb's blood boil / fly into a rage」的例子

  • My mom just flew into a rage when I told her that I failed the test.
  • I hate her. Everything about her makes my blood boil.

🎧 全文循環朗讀:

💬 大放厥詞

酷粉們,『火冒三丈』的英文:My anger __________.

= went through the roof