2021年2月22日 星期一




💡 『毫不猶豫』的英語怎麼說?

Song Joong Ki recalled how he became a part of the movie “ Space Sweepers”. He revealed that he had heard about the project when he was filming with the director Cho Sung Hee's previous release A Werewolf Boy. He did not think twice when he was offered a role in the sci-fi film “Space Sweepers,”even accepting the project without reading the script first.


📕 精彩字卡

  • recall /rɪˈkɔːl/ (v.) 回想
  • previously /ˈpriː.vi.əs.li / (adv.) 以前
  • think twice /θɪŋk//twaɪs/ 三思而後行

🎓 深度講解

Think twice(想兩次),引申為三思而後行,可以用來告誡別人You might want to think twice before…,但今天仲基歐爸,劇本都還沒看過,就直接決定出演電影,因此酷粉們也可說do not think twice來表達迫不及待或毫不猶豫。另外酷粉們,毫不猶豫的英語還可以這樣說:

without a second thought: I truly believed in the director that I had decided to star in the work without a second thought. 因為相信導演,我毫不猶豫就決定出演這部電影。

without hesitation: I am going to love you when you are happy and I am going to still love you in your weakest moments without hesitation. 當你快樂時,我愛你。在你最脆弱的時刻,我也會毫不猶豫地愛你。

in a heartbeat: If I had the money, I would go back to college in a heartbeat. 如果我有錢的話,我會毫不猶豫重回大學。 👉  酷粉們,「不要猶豫了」,按讚CoolCard English的英文怎麼說?

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😊  酷粉們,有想到其他『毫不猶豫』的英語用法嗎?歡迎留言討論,卡編期待和你們一起學習!有想學習的內容,也歡迎留言喔!



原文出處: https://news.abs-cbn.com/entertainment/02/05/21/why-song-joong-ki-joined-space-sweepers-even-before-reading-script