💡 「死會」的英文怎麼說?
Singer WeiBird is officially off the market! He first spoke about his intention to marry at the concert earlier this month. Being neither sneaky nor high-profile, he chose to share this good news on social media.
📕 精彩字卡
- officially /əˈfɪʃəlɪ/ (adv.) 正式地、官方地
- be off the market (phr.) 死會的、已婚的
- intention /ɪnˈtɛnʃən/ (n.) 意圖、打算
- concert /ˈkɑnsɚt/ (n.) 演唱會
- sneaky /ˈsnikɪ/ (adj.) 偷偷摸摸的、鬼鬼祟祟的
- high-profile /ˌhaɪˈprofaɪl/ (adj.) 高調的、高姿態的
🎓 深度講解
片語 be off the market 比喻一個人「死會的、已婚的」,也就是不繼續在「戀愛市場」上流通、已被人「從戀愛貨架上取下」,源自商業用語裡形容某商品已售罄、短期內買不到的現象,是個相當逗趣的說法。相反地,比喻「單身的」感情狀態可以說 be on the market,不過多半會加上 again,表示某個人「又」再次分手,重回戀愛市場、待價而沽。
表達「死會的」另一個口語說法是 be taken,也就是「被拿走、被取走、被佔有」,其他人都沒有機會再覬覦。近來也有人會用形容詞 available /əˈveləb!/ (唾手可得的、可用的)來比喻一個人單身與否,但在語感上帶有一點輕蔑、嘲弄的意味。
👇 看「be off the market、be taken」的例句
- Stop chasing after her! She’s off the market.
- When the actor announced that he was already taken at the press conference, the fans screamed and cheered.