搜尋 (ex: 利大於弊)

2022年4月21日 星期四



💡 「精神崩潰」的英文怎麼說?

Johnny Depp took the stand in a libel lawsuit against his ex-wife and denied using violence during their brief marriage. On the contrary, he was having a nervous breakdown when she badly hurt him with a wine bottle.


📕 精彩字卡

  • take the stand (phr.) 出庭作證
  • libel /ˈlaɪb!/ (n.) 誹謗、造謠中傷
  • lawsuit /ˈlɔˌsut/ (n.) 訴訟、官司
  • brief /brif/ (adj.) 短暫的、簡短的
  • nervous breakdown /ˈbrekˌdaʊn/ (phr.) 精神衰弱、精神崩潰
  • badly /ˈbædlɪ/ (adv.) 嚴重地

🎓 深度講解

片語 nervous breakdown 是「精神衰弱、精神崩潰」的意思。形容詞 nervous 源自名詞 nerve /nɝv/ 神經,breakdown /ˈbrekˌdaʊn/ 則是片語動詞 break down 的名詞型,比喻機械故障、或心理狀態衰弱等。

比較特別的是,nervous breakdown 為可數名詞,且固定與 have、suffer 等動詞連用,變成 have/suffer a nervous breakdown。此外,前面也可以加上介系詞 on the brink/verge of,有「瀕臨、在……邊緣」的意思。

👇 看「nervous breakdown」的例句

  • I was almost having a nervous breakdown due to the exams.
  • Vincent van Gogh suffered a nervous breakdown and killed himself in the end.

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