搜尋 (ex: 利大於弊)

2021年3月5日 星期五





"I'm probably the strict parent, but also pretty loving and affectionate as well," Pratt shares. And he explains, "I think you've got to get respect, do what you say you're going to do, and make your kids toe the line. But at the same time, you give them lots of hugs and kisses." 


📕 精彩字卡:

• strict (a.) /strɪkt/ 嚴厲的

• affectionate(a.) /əˈfek.ʃən.ət/ 有愛的

toe the line 守規矩

🎧 深度講解:

toe the line原本意思是跑者需站在起跑線上,英文解釋 to do what you are expected to do without causing trouble for anyone,引申為符合規則或標準,也就是我們說的『守規矩』

👇『守規矩 』的英語這樣說 :toe the line/ behave oneself

• You toe the line or I will take your phone away.


• My mom said “If you don't behave yourself, you will be grounded”.


🥚  看彩蛋『不守規矩』的英語這樣說? step out of line / misbehave

• His boss warned him that if he stepped out of line once more he would be fired.  

他的老闆警告他, 如果他再越界不守規矩,他就會被開除

• If he continued to misbehave, he would end up in detention.


❓ 酷粉們,『守規矩』的英文:

Take my words seriously and _____________ .

=toe the line
