💡 「抄襲」的英文怎麼說?
National Taiwan University concluded that Lin Chih-Chien was likely to crib his master’s thesis from another student. He announced his withdrawal from the mayoral race in Taoyuan and vowed to defend his innocence.
📕 精彩字卡
- conclude /kənˈklud/ (vt.) 推斷、斷定
- crib /krɪb/ (vt.) 抄襲、瞟竊
- thesis /ˈθisɪs/ (n.) 畢業論文
- withdrawal /wɪðˈdrɔəl/ (n.) 退出、撤退
- mayoral /ˈmeərəl/ (adj.) 市長的
- innocence /ˈɪnəsns/ (n.) 清白、無罪
🎓 深度講解
動詞 crib /krɪb/ 是在沒有經過他人同意下、「抄襲、瞟竊」對方的成果,完整句構為:crib 事物 from/off 人。這個意思源自於同型名詞 crib,指偷偷夾帶進試場、專為作弊而準備的「小抄」,也作 crib sheet 或 cheat sheet /ˈtʃit ˌʃit/。我們曾在一年前的報導裡 https://bit.ly/3c1ZuRe 提到吳寶春麵包店「抄襲」國外的包裝設計被抓包,當時用了一個較正式的字 plagiarize /ˈpledʒəˌraɪz/,有興趣的讀者可以複習一下。
👇 看「crib、plagiarize」的例句
- Thomas was caught cribbing the answers from me.
- Zoe got kicked out of the research team because she blatantly plagiarized the results from her colleagues.