搜尋 (ex: 利大於弊)

2022年4月28日 星期四



💡 「化為烏有」的英文怎麼說?

The Flash actor Ezra Miller was arrested twice in a month. The police said Miller threw a chair at a woman and hit her in the forehead. His career is going down the drain due to a series of erratic behaviors.


📕 精彩字卡

  • arrest /əˈrɛst/ (v.) 逮補、拘留
  • hit /hɪt/ (v.) 打中、擊中
  • forehead /ˈfɔrˌhɛd/ (n.) 額頭
  • go down the drain /dren/ (idiom) 化為烏有、付諸東流、打水漂
  • erratic /ɪˈrætɪk/ (adj.) 古怪的;飄忽不定的

🎓 深度講解

俚語 go down the drain 在不同的語境下,可理解為「化為烏有、付諸東流、打水漂」等意思。名詞 drain /dren/ 是排水管,go down the drain 顧名思義就是掉入排水管後順水放流,再也找不回來;可以指錢財(投資)或時間遭白白浪費,也可以指一項事業或工作成果化為泡影。此外,英國人習慣用 plughole /ˈplʌɡhol/ 取代 drain,plughole 是水槽的排水孔。

👇 看「go down the drain」的例句

  • My computer froze and all of my work went down the drain!
  • The factory was burned down and million-dollars' worth of investment went down the drain overnight.

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