搜尋 (ex: 利大於弊)

2021年3月30日 星期二



H&M is facing a backlash in China after it expressed concern about the alleged use of Uighur forced labour in cotton production. Many Chinese have called for boycotts and celebrities have cut ties.


📕 精彩字卡:

• backlash (n.) /ˈbæk.læʃ/ 強烈反對

• alleged (a.)  /əˈledʒd/ 被指控的

• boycott (v.) /ˈbɔɪ.kɑːt/ 抵制, 拒絕購買

🎓 深度講解:

boycott (v.) 是為了表達強烈反對而拒買產品或參加活動。另一個相似的單字:withhold patronage ,patronage(n.) 代表贊助、資助及給予支持的意思,也就是我們口語中的"惠顧",另外patron也有老主顧的意思,而withhold(v.)則是拒絕,因此withhold patronage 有拒絕光顧/拒買的意思。

👇 看『抵制』的例子 :

• If everyone boycotted all products tested on animals, it would surely force the cosmetic companies to change animal-testing policies.


•  Why are consumers threatening to boycott H&M and other brands?


👇 看『惠顧』的例子 :

• We value your patronage. We are nothing without you.


• Thank you all for your patronage and referrals.


🎧 英語例句發音: