搜尋 (ex: 利大於弊)

2021年3月17日 星期三


韓國YouTuber Rui自曝用AI 重建虛擬臉孔?!


Have you ever imagined that one day YouTubers might also be virtual characters created by AI?  Rui has always wanted to be a singer, but in a society that puts too much emphasis on physical appearances, she has no choice but to try face changes through AI to gain recognition from others and the society.


📕 精彩字卡:

 put emphasis on 注重

•  physical appearance 外表/外貌

 recognition (n.) /ˌrek.əɡˈnɪʃ.ən/ 讚賞/認可

🎓 深度講解:

emphasis(n.) 強調,與 put on 一起用可以當做 "將注意力放在...",酷粉們要強調注重外表可以說 put emphasis on physical appearance(外貌),有關外貌的說法還有 outer beauty(外在美)或superficial beauty(膚淺的美麗),反之內在美則可以說inner beauty。

👇 看『注重外貌』的例子 : 

• Our society puts too much emphasis on physical appearance rather than inner beauty.


• Why do we put so much emphasis on what we look like?




🎧  英語例句發音: