搜尋 (ex: 利大於弊)

2020年12月23日 星期三

聖誕節洗腦神曲 "All I Want for Christmas Is You"

每年到了聖誕節,最期待的就是看到花蝴蝶瑪麗亞•凱莉(Mariah Carey)的"All I Want for Christmas Is You"大殺四方重回音樂排行榜寶座。雖然大家都喜愛花蝴蝶的宏亮歌聲,但是你知道嗎,近來有研究指出聽太多聖誕歌曲可能會導致腦袋變笨喔。

💡 要怎麼用英文形容「洗腦神曲」呢?

It's this time of the year again. Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas Is You" returned to No. 1 on U.S. charts. This classic is one of the most successful Christmas songs in the history. It is possibly the only song you will hear in the street, and it's driving some people crazy. If there is a  Christmas earworm playlist, "All I Want for Christmas Is You" is surely to hit it.

又到了每年的這個時候。瑪麗亞·凱莉的"All I Want for Christmas Is You" 又重回美國音樂排行榜的第一名寶座。這首經典歌曲是史上最成功的聖誕節歌曲之一。它很可能是你在街上會聽到的唯一一首歌曲,而這已經快把某些人逼瘋了。如果有最洗腦的聖誕節音樂清單的話,"All I Want for Christmas Is You"肯定榜上有名。

📙 精彩字卡:

  • earworm /ˈɪr.wɝːm/ (n.) 常在耳邊響起的音樂片段
  • classic /ˈklæs.ɪk/ (a.) 經典的
  • chart /tʃɑːrt/ (n.) 排行榜
  • playlist /ˈpleɪ.lɪst/ (n.) /ˈpleɪ.lɪst/ 音樂清單

🎧️ 深度講解

worm在英文裡指的是像蚯蚓那類會蠕動的蟲。而earworm的意思難道是耳朵裡的蟲!?聽起來好像有點噁心,不過不用擔心earworm並不是潛藏在耳朵裡的寄生蟲。earworm這個單字來自德文,描寫的是在腦袋裡揮之不去的音樂片段,因為這旋律就像是蠕蟲一般,在你的腦內不斷重播。這個字是不是個很生動的譬喻呢?這個字有時也會被用來形容的芭樂歌,因為芭樂歌通常沒什麼內涵,但非常的嚷嚷上口。下次碰到在腦內無線循環的歌曲就可以說:This song is such an earworm。類似的用語還有 sticky music,怕蟲的你也有替換選擇,不用擔心。

  • After attending the musical, he felt like he was struck by an earworm which he just couldn't get rid of.


  • Mariah Carey's songs are not necessarily "earworms". Some of them take the listeners a while to get.


The charts指的是唱片銷量的排行榜,要注意的是這個字通常是用複數的型式來呈現。

  • My new EP just hit the charts! 
