搜尋 (ex: 利大於弊)

2022年10月7日 星期五



💡 「動粗」的英文怎麼說?

On a private plane, Brad Pitt started getting physical with Angelina Jolie. He choked one of their kids and struck another in the face when they came to Jolie’s defense. She filed for divorce a few days later.


📕 精彩字卡

  • get physical /ˈfɪzɪk!/ 動粗、起口角
  • choke /tʃok/ (vt.) 掐(脖子)、使窒息
  • kid /kɪd/ (n.)【口】小孩、孩子
  • strike /straɪk/ (vt.) 打、攻擊
  • defense /dɪˈfɛns/ (n.) 防禦、防衛
  • file /faɪl/ (vi.) 提出、提起

🎓 深度講解

字詞搭配 get physical 或 become physical 是對他人「動粗、暴力相向」;形容詞 physical /ˈfɪzɪk!/ 本意跟身體、生理有關,在這裡則是「暴力的」,也就是對他人動手動腳、拳腳相向,同 get violent,是個較微婉的表達。

另一個比較直白的用詞是 lash out:動詞 lash /læʃ/ 指用鞭子抽打動物或猛烈攻擊他人,介系詞 out 則多了爆衝的意味;所以 lash out 是突然發動攻擊、衝上前跟人起口角衝突的意思。

👇 看「get physical、lash out」的例句

  • My brother easily got physical with others whenever he was drunk.
  • The patient was unwilling to wait anymore and suddenly lashed out at medical staff.

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