搜尋 (ex: 利大於弊)

2021年11月4日 星期四


中國核彈級 #MeToo!彭帥自爆與前副總理的性醜聞

💡 「藕斷絲連」的英文怎麼說?

Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai publicized her on-off sexual relations with the former Vice Premier. The post and her Weibo account were soon deleted. Peng has won two Grand Slam trophies alongside Taiwan’s Hsieh Su-Wei.


📕 精彩字卡

  • publicize /ˈpʌblɪˌsaɪz/ (v.) 公開、公布
  • on-off /ˌɑnˈɔf/ (adj.) 分分合合的、藕斷絲連的
  • premier /prɪˈmɪɚ/ (n.) 總理、首相
  • trophe /ˈtrofɪ/ (n.) 獎盃;戰利品
  • alongside /əˈlɔŋˌsaɪd/ (prep.) 在……旁邊;與……一起

🎓 深度講解

介系詞 on 是「電器通電、打開」的意思,相反詞就是 off,合在一起變成形容詞 on-off,可以指具有「供電 / 切電」功能的開關(an on-off switch),也可以指兩個人之間的感情關係一下來電、一下不來電,呈現斷斷續續、分分合合的狀態,即「藕斷絲連」。

此外,這兩個介系詞也可以組合成片語 on and off 或 off and on,在句子裡當副詞用,用來修飾動詞,意思也較剛剛提到的 on-off (adj.) 多元;如:零星降雨(rain on and off)、打零工(work on and off)、光澤閃爍(flash on and off)等。

👇 看「on-off、on and off」的例句

  • You should cut off your on-off relationship with that married man!
  • Andy works on and off in a convenience store and fails to find a permanent job.

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