搜尋 (ex: 利大於弊)

2021年7月21日 星期三

吳亦凡連環爆 否認『指控』


Du Mei Zhu posted allegations online that Kris Wu had coerced teenage girls into having sex with him. Wu's management team has denied the allegations and said it is taking legal action.


📕 精彩字卡

allegation (n.) /ˌæl.əˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ (未經證實的)指控

coerce (v.) /koʊˈɝːs/ 強迫

deny (v.) /dɪˈnaɪ/ 否認

🎓 深度講解

allegation(n.)除了做申述、主張,也有聲明某人做了錯誤或違法的事情,特別指「尚未得到證實的」指控、指責。指控另一個用法是 accuse (v.),指「道德上」的指責、歸咎,例如:I'm not accusing you. 我沒有指責你的意思,也能用做指控、控,和(+of)搭配使用,控訴某人做了「錯誤或犯罪」的事情,例如外媒報導此次事件:He was accused of coercing young girls into having sex with him. 他遭控強迫年輕女性,和他發生性關係。

👇 看『allegation』的例子

• There is no substance to the allegation in the report.


• Are you able to provide sufficient evidence to verify your allegation?


🥚 Blog看彩蛋》看『accuse of 控訴』的例句

• Are you accusing me of stealing your watch?


• Have you ever been accused of lying?


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