搜尋 (ex: 利大於弊)

2021年4月22日 星期四




Disney has released a trailer and poster for its first Asian superhero movie Shang-Chi And The Legend of The Ten Rings. The protagonist Simu Liu steals the spotlight because he is a President Xi look-alike in the film poster.


📕 精彩字卡:

• protagonist (n.) /prəˈtæɡ.ən.ɪst/ 主角

• spotlight (n.) /ˈspɑːt.laɪt/ 大眾關注的焦點

• look-alike (n.) /ˈlʊk.ə.laɪk/ 相貌相近的人物, 和某個人撞臉的人

🎓 深度講解:

look-alike當名詞,可以用指「外表相似的人」,她長得很像艾瑪華森,She is an Emma Watson look-alike和撞臉相似的用法還有be the spitting image of sb 主要用來形容和某人的外型極為相似,就像「同個模子刻出來的」,通常用來形容有血緣關係的家人,例如:He is the spitting image of his father 他和他爸爸簡直長得一模一樣。另外ringer 本身就有「酷似某人或事物」的意思 ,因此可以用dead ringer for sb來形容和某人長得很像,最後be cut from the same cloth就如同從一樣的布剪下,可以表達人事物之間的相似性。

👇 看『撞臉』的例子 :

• Celebrity moms and their look-alike daughters are a sight to behold.


• He is the spitting image of his grandfather and sometimes people are confused about who is who.


🥚 Blog看彩蛋》看其他『撞臉』的例子:

 • People sometimes ask Kari for her autograph because she is a dead ringer for Emma Watson.


 • He and his son are cut from the same cloth and even sound alike on the telephone .


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