搜尋 (ex: 利大於弊)

2021年4月13日 星期二



After 11 years, the Attack on Titan manga has reached its conclusion. Spoiler Alert: The following contains spoilers. In the final chapter, Titans are gone but the Islanders….


📕 精彩字卡:

• conclusion (n.) /kənˈkluː.ʒən/ 結局

• contain (v.) /kənˈteɪn/ 包含

• spoiler (n.) /ˈspɔɪ.lɚ/ 劇透

🎓 深度講解:

spoil(v.) 用在破壞或毀掉對某事物興致的情況,我還沒看那部電影,所以別把內容告訴我,可以說Don't spoil the film for me! 別劇透我。另外spoilsport(n.)可以形容總愛劇透別人或掃興的人,我們在部落格或fb,時常看到spolier warning 或 spolier alert (防雷警告),spoiler則是當名詞使用,用來告訴讀者以下內容可能含有細節劇情,如果不想被劇透,請不要看下去。

👇 看『劇透』的例子 :

• I force myself to stay off social media, so that some spoilsports can’t spoil my fun by giving the plot away.


• Don't spoil the film for me!  I want the ending to be a surprise.


🥚 Blog看彩蛋》進擊的巨人漫話最終劇透:

• Spoiler Alert: 

What I am about to say is going to contain spoilers.


• However, though Titans are gone for good, the Islanders remain fearful of what the rest of the world might do in retaliation.


🎧  英語例句發音: