搜尋 (ex: 利大於弊)

2021年2月24日 星期三



英式幽默:自嘲魔法世界沒有『時間暫停之術 』“British humour”


Tom Felton - who played Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter film series - has demonstrated that child actors definitely can not defy the hands of time. In a hilarious post shared on Instagram, Tom posed alongside a promo shot from the movie while donning Syltherin robes and lamented getting older.


📕 精彩字卡:

demonstrate (v.) /ˈdem.ən.streɪt/ 展示

hilarious (a.) /hɪˈleə.ri.əs/ 搞笑

lament (v.) /ləˈment/ 惋惜

🎧 深度講解:

defy 對抗,酷粉可以說對抗權威defy authority,因此 can't defy the hands of time則有無法與時間對抗,引申為歲月不饒人的意思

『時光飛逝 』的英語還可以這樣說 👇

  • Time flies.

Time flies and it never stops.


  •  Time moves on. 

Time moves on. No one can go back in time. 


  • Time passes unhindered 

Time passes unhindered. When we make mistakes, we can not turn the clock back and try again. 



另外希望『時光倒流』的英語還可以這樣說 👇

  • turn back the clock 

I wish I could turn back the clock. I’d find you sooner and fall in love with you again. 



  • go back in time

You can’t go back in time and start over again, but you can still aim for a new ending starting from now.   



👉  酷粉們,『歲月不饒人』的英文

= No one can defy the hands of time.

😊  酷粉們,有想到其他『時光/時間』的英語用法嗎?歡迎留言討論,卡編期待和你們一起學習!有想學習的內容,也歡迎留言喔!