搜尋 (ex: 利大於弊)

2021年2月19日 星期五


💡 「澄清網路謠言」的英文怎麼說?

Jared Leto cleared up the rumors with Margot Robbie after he was accused of giving her a dead rat on the set of ""Suicide Squad"". He revealed that he had actually gifted Margot with cinnamon buns instead.


📕 精彩字卡

  • clear up /klɪər/ /ʌp/ 1. 澄清或解決(誤會或誤解);2. 整理(地方)或使(事物)有秩序;3. 使(天氣)晴朗
  • accuse of /əˈkjuːz/ /əv/ 指責或控訴某人(做壞事)
  • reveal /rɪˈviːl/ 揭露

🎓 深度講解

澄清網路謠言可以說 clear up,也可以用fend off (抵抗)代表闢除謠言的意思。

The royal family has been working to fend off rumors of a rift. 王室一直在努力闢除不合的謠言。

Stay away from the people who gossip behind your back and spread rumors. 遠離那些在你背後八卦和散佈謠言的人。

👉 酷粉們,所以澄清謠言的英文 = _____ rumors